Registration Register now for the 2024 JCI World Congress!

International JCI Members / JCI Senators / JCI Alumni

Early Bird From 2023 WC to April 30
US$ 530
  • 5 Days Congress Program
  • 3 Days Tradeshow
  • 5 Days Lunch
  • 4 Days Evening Program
  • 1 Gala Party

Regular From May 1 to Aug 31
US$ 560
  • 5 Days Congress Program
  • 3 Days Tradeshow
  • 5 Days Lunch
  • 4 Days Evening Program
  • 1 Gala Party

Register Now
Last Minute From Sep 1 to Nov 2
US$ 630
  • 5 Days Congress Program
  • 3 Days Tradeshow
  • 5 Days Lunch
  • 4 Days Evening Program
  • 1 Gala Party

Coming Soon

Unforeseen Circumstances

The organizer will not return any registration fee should the Congress be cancelled due to any unforeseen circumstances, such as typhoon, volcano eruption, war, or other forms of natural disasters.